Identificación de Avramr1 de Phytophthorainfestans mediante aprendizaje prolongado y cDNA

El tizón tardío de la patata, introducido por el patógeno oomiceto Phytophthorainfestans, dificulta considerablemente la producción de patatas. Recientemente, se clonó un nuevo gen modelo de resistencia a Phytophthorainfestans (Rpi), Rpi-amr1, a partir de una especie silvestre de Solanum, Solanumamericanum.

Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E01A11128 BlueGene
Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E02C0745-48wellsplate BlueGene
Rat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E02C0745-96wellsplate BlueGene
Goat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E01A46041 BlueGene
Goat Cholesterol ELISA ELISA
E06C0745-48wellsplate BlueGene

La identificación de los correspondientes genes efectores reconocidos (Avirulence o Avr) de P. infestans es crucial para dilucidar su variación de secuencia natural, que a su vez informa de la robustez potencial de la resistencia al tizón tardío afín. Para determinar el efector de P. infestans reconocido por Rpi-amr1, examinamos las bibliotecas de efectores RXLR disponibles y utilizamos un estudio prolongado y la secuenciación de enriquecimiento de patógenos de ADNc (PenSeq) en cuatro aislados de P. infestans para encontrar los efectores no probados.


Utilizando la secuenciación en tiempo real de una sola molécula (SMRT) y PenSeq de ADNc, reconocimos 47 efectores extraordinariamente expresados de P. infestans, junto con PITG_07569, que desencadena una respuesta de falta de vida celular extraordinariamente explícita cuando se coexpresa transitoriamente con Rpi-amr1 en Nicotianabenthamiana, lo que sugiere que PITG_07569 es Avramr1. Aquí mismo mostramos que el estudio prolongado y cDNA PenSeq permite la identificación de los hogares efectores RXLR de longitud completa y su perfil de expresión. Esta mirada ha revelado conocimientos clave en la evolución y el polimorfismo de una familia efector RXLR florido que se asocia con el reconocimiento por Rpi-amr1.


Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691891-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 1275

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691947-0002mg 0.002mg
EUR 265

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691947-5x0002mg 5x0.002mg
EUR 890

VEGF E (Orf Virus)

cyt-263 2µg
EUR 60
Description: Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691480-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 440

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691480-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1685

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691994-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691994-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 1050

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-044 5 µg
EUR 136.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ov-VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight Cysteine residues of the central Cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E cannot bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-044S 2 µg
EUR 73.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-045 20 µg
EUR 357
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Anti-Orf Virus VEGF-E Antibody

102-PA70 50 µg
EUR 115.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ov-VEGF-E isolate D1701 was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight Cysteine residues of the central Cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins. Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E cannot bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-1mg

QP10912-1mg 1mg
EUR 6181.2

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-2ug

QP10912-2ug 2ug
EUR 186

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-10ug

QP10912-10ug 10ug
EUR 241.2

Orf virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding Recombinant Protein

300-046 20 µg
EUR 194.25
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the first 116 amino acid residue of Orf virus VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was fused with a DNA sequence encoding to the C-terminal heparin binding domain of human VEGF165. The chimeric protein was expressed in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994 J. Virol 68:84-92). Different isolates of orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appear to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; Wise et al., 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96:3071-3076). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E and hb-VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor–2/ KDR. Compared to human VEGF165 this virus form has no heparin-binding domain and seems to be a freely secreted protein comparable to VEGF121. In order to compare this form with human VEGF165, an additional heparin-binding domain was engineered at the C-terminus to allow interaction with proteo-aminoglycans and heparan sulfate. These form is also able to interact with neuropillin–1.

Orf virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding Recombinant Protein

300-046S 5 µg
EUR 94.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the first 116 amino acid residue of Orf virus VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was fused with a DNA sequence encoding to the C-terminal heparin binding domain of human VEGF165. The chimeric protein was expressed in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994 J. Virol 68:84-92). Different isolates of orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appear to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; Wise et al., 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96:3071-3076). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E and hb-VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor–2/ KDR. Compared to human VEGF165 this virus form has no heparin-binding domain and seems to be a freely secreted protein comparable to VEGF121. In order to compare this form with human VEGF165, an additional heparin-binding domain was engineered at the C-terminus to allow interaction with proteo-aminoglycans and heparan sulfate. These form is also able to interact with neuropillin–1.

VEGF-E Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E Recombinant Protein(Orf Virus)

PROTQ2F842 Regular: 10ug
EUR 250
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa.

ov-VEGF-E (Orf virus) (Recombinant) Human

GWB-C8AD60 0.005 mg Ask for price

VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

30R-AV011 5 ug
EUR 381
Description: Purified recombinant VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

MBS538323-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 505

VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

MBS538323-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 2125

Recombinant Orf Virus VEGFE Protein

VAng-Lsx0417-inquire inquire Ask for price
Description: Orf Virus VEGFE, recombinant protein from Baculovirus.

Recombinant Orf Virus VEGFE Protein [His]

VAng-Lsx0418-inquire inquire Ask for price
Description: Orf Virus VEGFE [His], recombinant protein from E. coli.

Cytochalasin E

C197-1MG 1 mg
EUR 79.77
Description: 36011-19-5

Cytochalasin E

C197-5MG 5 mg
EUR 276.58
Description: 36011-19-5

Chevalone E

C257-0.5MG 0.5 mg
EUR 153.46
Description: 1315451-94-5

Chevalone E

C257-2.5MG 2.5 mg
EUR 536.69
Description: 1315451-94-5

Berkeleylactone E

B087-1MG 1 mg
EUR 145.66
Description: 122211-62-5

Berkeleylactone E

B087-5MG 5 mg
EUR 509.81
Description: 122211-62-5

Deoxybrevianamide E

D083-1MG 1 mg
EUR 191.61
Description: 34610-68-9

Deoxybrevianamide E

D083-5MG 5 mg
EUR 670.21
Description: 34610-68-9

Oligomycin E

O021-1MG 1 mg
EUR 212.42
Description: 110231-34-0

Oligomycin E

O021-5MG 5 mg
EUR 741.31
Description: 110231-34-0

Paraherquamide E

P070-0.5MG 0.5 mg
EUR 271.38
Description: 125600-53-5

Paraherquamide E

P070-2.5MG 2.5 mg
EUR 947.66
Description: 125600-53-5

Phenelfamycin E

P078-1MG 1 mg
EUR 212.42
Description: 114451-31-9

Phenelfamycin E

P078-5MG 5 mg
EUR 741.31
Description: 114451-31-9

Roquefortine E

R035-1MG 1 mg
EUR 150
Description: 871982-52-4

Roquefortine E

R035-5MG 5 mg
EUR 524.55
Description: 871982-52-4

Azithromycin impurity E EvoPure®

A074-5MG 5 mg
EUR 605.18
Description: 612069-27-9

Hepatitis E virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein

53-335 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein

Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

53-336 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

53-337 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-10mg 10 mg
EUR 325

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 2 µg
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-25mg 25 mg
EUR 6500

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-5mg 5 mg
EUR 225

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF E)

MBS1007472-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 990

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF E)

MBS1007472-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 555

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF E)

MBS1007472-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 745

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF E)

MBS1007472-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 660

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF E)

MBS1007472-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 870

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

7-01759 2µg Ask for price

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

7-01760 10µg Ask for price

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

7-01761 1mg Ask for price

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus), (Recombinant)

22060748-1 2 µg
EUR 190.94

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

cyt-263-10g 10µg
EUR 145

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

cyt-263-1mg 1mg
EUR 5100

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

cyt-263-2g 2µg
EUR 60

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

MBS142140-0002mg 0.002mg
EUR 240

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

MBS142140-001mg 0.01mg
EUR 310

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

MBS142140-1mg 1mg
EUR 5325

Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

MBS142140-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 23640

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E Recombinant (Orf Virus)

rAP-2496 Inquiry Ask for price

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

abx260138-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

abx260138-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E virus

8942 100 ug
EUR 340
Description: ORF 2

Hepatitis E virus

8943 100 ug
EUR 340
Description: ORF 2

Hepatitis E virus

8944 100 ug
EUR 340
Description: ORF 3

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328020-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 435

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328020-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1865

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328021-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 435

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328021-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1865

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328022-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 435

Hepatitis E virus

MBS328022-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 1865

Hepatitis E virus

PCR-H498-PCRH49848R PCR-H498-48R
EUR 485

Hepatitis E virus

PCR-H498-PCRH49896R PCR-H498-96R
EUR 685

Hepatitis E virus

Oneq-H498-OneqH498100R Oneq-H498-100R
EUR 1028

Hepatitis E virus

Oneq-H498-OneqH498150R Oneq-H498-150R
EUR 1438

Hepatitis E virus

Oneq-H498-OneqH49850R Oneq-H498-50R
EUR 728

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

7-07450 100µg Ask for price

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

7-07451 500µg Ask for price

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

7-07452 1000µg Ask for price

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 (Recombinant)

22060181-1 100 µg
EUR 344.89

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

MBS142588-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 330

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

MBS142588-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 825

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

MBS142588-1mg 1mg
EUR 1515

Recombinant Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 

MBS142588-5x1mg 5x1mg
EUR 6485

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Recombinant

rAP-5321 Inquiry Ask for price

Hepatitis E Virus, ORF2, Recombinant (HEV)

MBS637880-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 455

Hepatitis E Virus, ORF2, Recombinant (HEV)

MBS637880-05mg 0.5mg
EUR 1025

Hepatitis E Virus, ORF2, Recombinant (HEV)

MBS637880-5x05mg 5x0.5mg
EUR 4470

Hepatitis E Virus, ORF3, Recombinant (HEV)

MBS636730-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 735

Hepatitis E Virus, ORF3, Recombinant (HEV)

MBS636730-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 3155

VEGF (165): Human Recombinant E Coli

GWB-BDEFEF 1 mg Ask for price

OPPA00528-2UG - VEGF E Protein

OPPA00528-2UG 2ug
EUR 70

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

abx260268-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

abx260268-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

abx260269-25g 25 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

abx260269-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

abx260270-25g 25 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

abx260270-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E virus (ratHEV)

PCR-V372-PCRV37248R PCR-V372-48R
EUR 485

Hepatitis E virus (ratHEV)

PCR-V372-PCRV37296R PCR-V372-96R
EUR 685

Hepatitis E virus (ratHEV)

Oneq-V372-OneqV372100R Oneq-V372-100R
EUR 1028

Hepatitis E virus (ratHEV)

Oneq-V372-OneqV372150R Oneq-V372-150R
EUR 1438

Hepatitis E virus (ratHEV)

Oneq-V372-OneqV37250R Oneq-V372-50R
EUR 728

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF A)

MBS1215198-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 995

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF A)

MBS1215198-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 560

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF A)

MBS1215198-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 750

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF A)

MBS1215198-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 670

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF A)

MBS1215198-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 875

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein (D ORF E)

MBS1205850-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1005

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein (D ORF E)

MBS1205850-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 570

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein (D ORF E)

MBS1205850-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 755

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein (D ORF E)

MBS1205850-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 680

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 9.3 kDa protein (D ORF E)

MBS1205850-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 885

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF D)

MBS1182981-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 990

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF D)

MBS1182981-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 555

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF D)

MBS1182981-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 745

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF D)

MBS1182981-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 660

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.6 kDa protein (E ORF D)

MBS1182981-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 870

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 10.5 kDa protein (B ORF E)

MBS1177237-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1015

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 10.5 kDa protein (B ORF E)

MBS1177237-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 585

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 10.5 kDa protein (B ORF E)

MBS1177237-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 770

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 10.5 kDa protein (B ORF E)

MBS1177237-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 700

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 10.5 kDa protein (B ORF E)

MBS1177237-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 900

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein (C ORF E)

MBS1122067-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 990

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein (C ORF E)

MBS1122067-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 555

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein (C ORF E)

MBS1122067-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 745

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein (C ORF E)

MBS1122067-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 660

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.2 kDa protein (C ORF E)

MBS1122067-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 870

Recombinant Vaccinia virus Uncharacterized 7.8 kDa protein (F ORF E)

MBS1252431-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 995


Uridina difosfo-glucuronosiltransferasa 1A1, 2A1, 2B4, 2B31:

El deltacoronavirus porcino (PDCoV) es un nuevo coronavirus enteropatógeno que requiere más investigación. En este examen, se extrajo una presión de PDCoV en lengua china, designada CHN-HN-1601, de las heces de un lechón diarreico. Tras la purificación de la placa, se decidió que el genoma compartía entre el 97,5% y el 99,5% de identidades nucleotídicas con 71 cepas de PDCoV consultadas disponibles en el GenBank. Las propiedades patógenas del CHN-HN-1601 se evaluaron utilizando lechones de 5 días.

Todos los lechones inoculados desarrollaron una diarrea extrema a partir de los 2 días post-infección (dpi). Para nuestra sorpresa, se han observado dos intervalos de diarrea que van de 2 a 7 dpi y de 13 a 19 dpi en los lechones afectados en el curso del experimento. La excreción viral fecal de los lechones inoculados se detectó mediante RT-PCR en tiempo real, con un pico de excreción viral a los 4 y 16 dpi, respectivamente. En la necropsia realizada a los 5 dpi, las lesiones macroscópicas primarias incluían intestinos claros, de paredes finas y con distensión gaseosa que contenían un contenido acuoso amarillo.

Bio Basic
MULTIPLEX KIT PCR Babesia & Theileria PCR kit
MULTIPLEX KIT PCR Babesia & Theileria PCR kit

Otros exámenes histopatológicos, junto con la tinción con hematoxilina y eosina, la inmunohistoquímica y la hibridación in situ con ARN, revelaron que la infección por el virus provocó una atrofia extrema de las vellosidades del intestino delgado, y que el antígeno y el ARN del PDCoV se distribuían principalmente en el citoplasma de las células epiteliales de las vellosidades del yeyuno y el íleon de los lechones.

La fabricación dinámica de IgG específicas del PDCoV y de anticuerpos neutralizantes en el suero de los lechones afectados se evaluó además utilizando un ELISA basado en el virus completo y un ensayo de neutralización basado en la inmunofluorescencia, respectivamente. Además, se construyó un clon infeccioso de ADNc de longitud completa de CHN-HN-1601 utilizando un sistema de cromosoma sintético bacteriano.

El virus rescatado mostró progreso in vitro y propiedades patógenas al igual que el virus parental. En conjunto, nuestro examen no sólo enriquece el conocimiento de PDCoV, sino que además ofrece una plataforma de genética inversa útil para la exploración adicional de la patogénesis del virus.

Paraffin Wax
Toronto Research Chemicals
Paraffin wax pellets
EWC Diagnostics
Paraffin wax pellets
EWC Diagnostics
Paraffin wax Pellets
EWC Diagnostics
Paraffin wax Pellets
EWC Diagnostics



Objetivo: Las uridina difosfo-glucuronosiltransferasas (UGT) son enzimas unidas a la membrana que catalizan la conjugación del ácido glucurónico en un conjunto variado de xenobióticos. Los caballos glucuronidan con éxito y de forma extensiva numerosos xenobióticos, junto con los opioides, lo que convierte a las UGT en un grupo muy importante de enzimas metabolizadoras de fármacos para la eliminación del remedio. Las enzimas recombinantes han permitido a los investigadores caracterizar el metabolismo de una variedad de remedios. El objetivo principal era clonar, particularizar y caracterizar las UGT equinas utilizando remedios caracterizados como sustratos de UGT en varias especies. Un objetivo secundario era caracterizar el metabolismo in vitro de la morfina en los caballos.

Protein-Export Protein SecB (SecB) Protein
Protein-Export Protein SecB (SecB) Protein
Protein-Export Protein SecB (SecB) Protein

Animales: Microsomas hepáticos y ARN de tejidos recogidos de dos yeguas de pura sangre a las que se les practicó la eutanasia por diversas causas.


Métodos: Basándose totalmente en la homología con el UGT2B7 humano, se han expresado cuatro variantes de UGT equinas: UGT1A1, UGT2A1, UGT2B31 y UGT2B4. Se han clonado secuencias de cDNA y se ha expresado la proteína resultante en un sistema de expresión de baculovirus. La eficacia de las enzimas se evaluó utilizando 4-metilumbeliferona, testosterona, diclofenaco y ketoprofeno. A continuación se han incubado con morfina la enzima recombinante, las células de administración, los microsomas de hígado equino y los supersomas UGT2B7 humanos. Las concentraciones de los metabolitos se han medido mediante cromatografía líquida-espectrometría de masas en tándem y se ha determinado la cinética de la enzima.


Resultados: La 4-metilumbeliferona fue glucuronizada por todas las UGTs equinas expresadas. El glucurónido de testosterona no fue producido por ninguna de las enzimas expresadas, y el glucurónido de diclofenaco y el glucurónido de ketoprofeno fueron producidos por UG2A1 y UGT1A1, respectivamente. El UGT2B31 metabolizó la morfina en morfina-3-glucurónido y en bajas concentraciones de morfina-6-glucurónido.


Conclusiones y relevancia científica: Es la mayor expresión de valor de los UGTs recombinantes equinos útiles. El UGT2B31 contribuye a la glucuronidación de la morfina; sin embargo, es muy probable que no sea la primera enzima metabolizadora. Estos resultados justifican una mayor investigación de los UGTs equinos, junto con la expresión de enzimas adicionales y la caracterización adicional de UGT2B31 como contribuyente al metabolismo de la morfina.

MBS6507400-005mg MyBiosource
MBS6507400-5x005mg MyBiosource
4-Amino Biphenyl DNA (4-AMBP DNA, 4-Aminobiphenyl DNA)
MBS600356-01mL MyBiosource
4-Amino Biphenyl DNA (4-AMBP DNA, 4-Aminobiphenyl DNA)
MBS600356-5x01mL MyBiosource
T4 DNA Ligase (T4 DNA) Enzyme
abx073011-25g Abbexa

Un genosensor progresivo para la monitorización de la secuencia de Leishmaniaspp utilizando la unión del pDNA al cDNA basado totalmente en Cit-AgNPs


La leishmaniasis está considerada básicamente como una de las enfermedades más importantes con tendencia epidémica, según el World Nicely Being Group. El diagnóstico y el tratamiento tempranos de la infección por Leishmania es un problema eficaz, ya que no presenta síntomas y es resistente al tratamiento. Por lo tanto, hay una necesidad urgente de una detección delicada y precisa de este patógeno.


En este aspecto, un modelo nuevo enfoque fue desarrollado para biosensores ópticos de la secuencia de Leishmaniaspp basado totalmente en la hibridación de Citrato tapado Ag nanopartículas unidas a la sonda explícita de ADN de una sola hebra de Leishmania spp. La agregación del Citrato tapado Ag nanopartículas dentro de la existencia o la falta de una secuencia de ADNc de Leishmania, puso en marcha llamativo y considerable muy importante alterar dentro de la UV-vis.


La baja prohibición de cuantificación (LLOQ) obtenida se logró como 1ZM. Basado totalmente en los extremos experimentales en condiciones óptimas, se llevó a cabo un rápido bioanálisis de la secuencia de Leishmaniaspp (2 min). Por lo tanto, esta sonda puede ser utilizado para la evaluación científica de este patógeno y una enfermedad de la infección.


Beta2-Microglobulin ELISA kit ELISA Kit
Human IL-17E ELISA Kit ELISA kit
Human IL-17E ELISA Kit ELISA kit

Mejora de un clon de Cdna infeccioso de tamaño completo del virus de la necrosis interior de las bayas de la vid

El virus de la necrosis interior de las bayas de la vid (GINV) pertenece al género Trichovirus dentro de la familia Betaflexiviridae. El aislado del GINV LN_BETA_RS se obtuvo de una vid “Beta” (Vitis riparia × Vitis labrusca) que presentaba moteado clorótico y mancha anular en Xingcheng, provincia de Liaoning, China. Para confirmar la correlación entre el GINV y la enfermedad del moteado clorótico y la mancha anular de la vid, construimos un clon de ADNc infeccioso del aislado LN_BETA_RS del GINV utilizando la estrategia de reunión sin fisuras.

Utilizando remedios de agroinfiltración el cDNA infeccioso confirmó una infección sistémica de GINV en la Nicotianaoccidentalis 37B mediante la respuesta en cadena de la polimerasa de transcripción inversa (RT-PCR) y la microscopía electrónica de transmisión, exhibiendo signos de moteado clorótico en las hojas. El ADNc infeccioso se transmitió además a nuevos cultivos sanos de N. occidentalis mediante inoculación por frotamiento. Además, el clon de ADNc se agroinfiltró en plántulas de vid “Beta” y “Thompson Seedless”, y las vides inoculadas mostraron moteado clorótico en las hojas y mancha anular en el transcurso de los dos años de declaración.

Las vides “Beta” inoculadas con GINV presentaban un moteado clorótico severo en las hojas y signos de mancha anular en toda la planta, mientras que en las hojas de las vides “Thompson Seedless” agroinoculadas se observaron comparativamente pocos signos a principios de la primavera y sólo apareció progresivamente una débil mancha anular en las primeras hojas jóvenes. Nuestros experimentos cumplieron los postulados de Koch y revelaron la posición causal de GINV en el moteado clorótico de la vid y la enfermedad de la mancha anular.
Una presión deltacoronavirus porcino: caracterización genómica, patogenicidad y su clon infeccioso de ADNc de longitud completa


Beta2-Microglobulin ELISA kit ELISA Kit
Human IL-17E ELISA Kit ELISA kit
Human IL-17E ELISA Kit ELISA kit

Como nuevo coronavirus enteropatógeno, el deltacoronavirus porcino (PDCoV) merece una investigación adicional. En este examen, se extrajo una presión de PDCoV en lengua china, designada CHN-HN-1601, de las heces de un lechón diarreico. Tras la purificación de la placa, se decidió que el genoma compartía entre el 97,5% y el 99,5% de identidades nucleotídicas con 71 cepas de PDCoV consultadas disponibles en el GenBank.

Las propiedades patógenas del CHN-HN-1601 se evaluaron utilizando lechones de 5 días. Todos los lechones inoculados desarrollaron una diarrea extrema a partir de los 2 días post-infección (dpi). Para nuestra sorpresa, se han observado dos intervalos de diarrea que van de 2 a 7 dpi y de 13 a 19 dpi en los lechones afectados en el curso del experimento. La excreción viral fecal de los lechones inoculados se detectó mediante RT-PCR en tiempo real, con un pico de excreción viral a los 4 y 16 dpi, respectivamente. En la necropsia realizada a los 5 dpi, las lesiones macroscópicas primarias incluían intestinos claros, de paredes finas y con distensión gaseosa que contenían un contenido acuoso amarillo.

Otros exámenes histopatológicos, junto con la tinción con hematoxilina y eosina, la inmunohistoquímica y la hibridación in situ con ARN, revelaron que la infección por el virus provocó una atrofia extrema de las vellosidades del intestino delgado, y que el antígeno y el ARN del PDCoV se distribuían principalmente en el citoplasma de las células epiteliales de las vellosidades del yeyuno y el íleon de los lechones. La fabricación dinámica de IgG específicas del PDCoV y de anticuerpos neutralizantes en el suero de los lechones afectados se evaluó además utilizando un ELISA basado en el virus completo y un ensayo de neutralización basado en la inmunofluorescencia, respectivamente.

Además, se construyó un clon infeccioso de ADNc de longitud completa de CHN-HN-1601 utilizando un sistema de cromosoma sintético bacteriano. El virus rescatado mostró progreso in vitro y propiedades patógenas al igual que el virus parental. En conjunto, nuestro examen no sólo enriquece el conocimiento de PDCoV, sino que además ofrece una plataforma de genética inversa útil para la exploración adicional de la patogénesis del virus.

VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

MBS538323-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 505

VEGFE protein (Orf virus)

MBS538323-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 2125

Recombinant Orf Virus VEGFE Protein

VAng-Lsx0417-inquire inquire Ask for price
Description: Orf Virus VEGFE, recombinant protein from Baculovirus.

Recombinant Orf Virus VEGFE Protein [His]

VAng-Lsx0418-inquire inquire Ask for price
Description: Orf Virus VEGFE [His], recombinant protein from E. coli.

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-044 5 µg
EUR 136.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ov-VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight Cysteine residues of the central Cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E cannot bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-044S 2 µg
EUR 73.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Orf virus VEGF-E Recombinant Protein

300-045 20 µg
EUR 357
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999; Wise et al., 1999). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691797-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 695

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691797-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 2830

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691891-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 350

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691891-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 1275

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691947-0002mg 0.002mg
EUR 265

Orf Virus VEGF-E

MBS691947-5x0002mg 5x0.002mg
EUR 890

Orf virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding Recombinant Protein

300-046 20 µg
EUR 194.25
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the first 116 amino acid residue of Orf virus VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was fused with a DNA sequence encoding to the C-terminal heparin binding domain of human VEGF165. The chimeric protein was expressed in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994 J. Virol 68:84-92). Different isolates of orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appear to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; Wise et al., 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96:3071-3076). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E and hb-VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor–2/ KDR. Compared to human VEGF165 this virus form has no heparin-binding domain and seems to be a freely secreted protein comparable to VEGF121. In order to compare this form with human VEGF165, an additional heparin-binding domain was engineered at the C-terminus to allow interaction with proteo-aminoglycans and heparan sulfate. These form is also able to interact with neuropillin–1.

Orf virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding Recombinant Protein

300-046S 5 µg
EUR 94.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the first 116 amino acid residue of Orf virus VEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was fused with a DNA sequence encoding to the C-terminal heparin binding domain of human VEGF165. The chimeric protein was expressed in insect cells using a baculovirus expression system. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV) (Lyttle et al., 1994 J. Virol 68:84-92). Different isolates of orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appear to be derived from captured host genes. All eight cysteine residues of the central cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins (Dehio et al., 1999 EMBO J. 18:363-374; Wise et al., 1999 Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci USA 96:3071-3076). Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E and hb-VEGF-E can not bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor–2/ KDR. Compared to human VEGF165 this virus form has no heparin-binding domain and seems to be a freely secreted protein comparable to VEGF121. In order to compare this form with human VEGF165, an additional heparin-binding domain was engineered at the C-terminus to allow interaction with proteo-aminoglycans and heparan sulfate. These form is also able to interact with neuropillin–1.

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691480-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 440

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691480-5x002mg 5x0.02mg
EUR 1685

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691994-0005mg 0.005mg
EUR 300

Orf Virus VEGF-E, Heparin-binding

MBS691994-5x0005mg 5x0.005mg
EUR 1050

Anti-Orf Virus VEGF-E Antibody

102-PA70 50 µg
EUR 115.5
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ov-VEGF-E isolate D1701 was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa. Based on sequence similarity to VEGF-A, a gene encoding a VEGF homologue has recently been discovered in the genome of Orf virus (OV). Different isolates of Orf virus show significant amino acid sequence similarity to VEGF-A and described as a viral virulence factor that appears to be derived from captured host genes. All eight Cysteine residues of the central Cysteine knot motif characteristic of members of the VEGF family are conserved among other residues in the VEGF-E proteins. Alignment of all mammalian VEGF sequences indicated that VEGF-E is distinct from the previously described VEGFs but most closely related to VEGF-A. Like VEGF-A, VEGF-E was found to bind with high affinity to VEGF receptor-2 (KDR) resulting in receptor autophosphorylation, whilst in contrast to VEGF-A, VEGF-E cannot bind to VEGF receptor-1 (Flt-1). Furthermore VEGF-E can also not bind to VEGF receptor-3 (FLT-4). Therefore VEGF-E is a potent angiogenic factor selectively binding to VEGF receptor –2/KDR.

VEGF-E Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E Recombinant Protein(Orf Virus)

PROTQ2F842 Regular: 10ug
EUR 250
Description: A DNA sequence encoding the mature variant of ovVEGF-E isolate D1701 (Dehio et al., 1999; GenBank accession No. AF106020) was expressed in E. coli as a 132 amino acid residue fusion protein with an N-terminal His-tag sequence and a thrombin cleavage site. Recombinant VEGF-E homodimer was dimerized in vitro and has a predicted mass of approximately 35 kDa.

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-1mg

QP10912-1mg 1mg
EUR 6181.2

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-2ug

QP10912-2ug 2ug
EUR 186

Human PDGFC / VEGFE, Fc Tag

E24PHA208 50 μg
EUR 180

Recombinant Virus VEGF E (Orf Virus) Protein, His, E.coli-10ug

QP10912-10ug 10ug
EUR 241.2

Human PDGFC / VEGFE, His Tag

E24PHA209 50 μg
EUR 225

VEGF E (Orf Virus)

cyt-263 2µg
EUR 60
Description: Recombinant Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus)

Cynomolgus / Rhesus Macaque PDGFC / VEGFE, Fc Tag

E24PCA081 50 μg
EUR 180

Cynomolgus / Rhesus Macaque PDGFC / VEGFE, His Tag

E24PCA082 50 μg
EUR 225

Anti-PDGFC / VEGFE Reference Antibody (Thrombogenics anti-PDGF-C)

E24CHA317 100 μg
EUR 225
Description: Available in various conjugation types.

Hepatitis E virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein

53-335 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein

Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

53-336 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

53-337 0.01 mg
EUR 651.3
Description: Hepatitis E virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein

Recombinant Orf virus 10 kDa fusion protein

MBS1129089-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1015

Recombinant Orf virus 10 kDa fusion protein

MBS1129089-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 580

Recombinant Orf virus 10 kDa fusion protein

MBS1129089-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 765

Recombinant Orf virus 10 kDa fusion protein

MBS1129089-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 695

Recombinant Orf virus 10 kDa fusion protein

MBS1129089-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 895

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS1202811-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS1072246-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038987-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1335

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038987-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2300

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038987-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 10300

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038988-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1330

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038988-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2295

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R)

MBS7038988-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 10295

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus ORF-B protein

MBS7041397-002mg 0.02mg
EUR 1615

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus ORF-B protein

MBS7041397-01mg 0.1mg
EUR 2570

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus ORF-B protein

MBS7041397-5x01mg 5x0.1mg
EUR 11530

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R), partial

MBS7061474-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Orf virus Protein F9 homolog (A3R), partial

MBS7061495-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus ORF-B protein, partial

MBS7091428-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-10mg 10 mg
EUR 325

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 2 µg
  • 10 ug
  • 1 mg

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-25mg 25 mg
EUR 6500

Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-E (Orf Virus) Protein

abx263083-5mg 5 mg
EUR 225

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1050972-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1200

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1050972-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 850

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1050972-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 990

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1050972-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1020

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1050972-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1235484-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1235484-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1235484-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1235484-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1235484-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1131598-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1131598-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1131598-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1131598-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1131598-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1250494-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1250494-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1250494-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1115

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1250494-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1250494-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1007636-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1007636-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1007636-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1007636-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1007636-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1092759-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1092759-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1092759-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1092759-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1092759-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus Protein ORF-C (orfC)

MBS1432961-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1045

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus Protein ORF-C (orfC)

MBS1432961-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 620

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus Protein ORF-C (orfC)

MBS1432961-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 795

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus Protein ORF-C (orfC)

MBS1432961-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 720

Recombinant Walleye dermal sarcoma virus Protein ORF-C (orfC)

MBS1432961-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 930

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1184457-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1205

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1184457-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 855

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1184457-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 995

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1184457-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1030

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1184457-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1130

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1033786-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1205

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1033786-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 855

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1033786-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 995

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1033786-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1030

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1033786-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1130

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1093694-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1205

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1093694-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 855

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1093694-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 995

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1093694-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1030

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1093694-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1130

Virus Measles Virus (MeV) Protein

abx670263-1ml 1 ml
EUR 543.6

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

abx260138-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF3 Protein

abx260138-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF26 Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF26 Protein

abx260176-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF26 Protein

abx260176-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Virus West Nile Virus (WNV) Protein

abx670276-100ug 100 ug
EUR 794.4

Hepatitis E Virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

EUR 762
Description: Hepatitis E Virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

Hepatitis E Virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

EUR 762
Description: Hepatitis E Virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

Hepatitis E Virus ORF 2 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

MBS8431072-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Hepatitis E Virus ORF 3 Recombinant Protein beta-galactosidase liquid

MBS8431073-INQUIRE INQUIRE Ask for price

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF9 Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF9 Protein

abx260175-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Varicella Zoster Virus ORF9 Protein

abx260175-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Probable capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1130671-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1355

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Probable capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1130671-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1055

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Probable capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1130671-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Probable capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1130671-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1230

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Probable capsid protein (ORF IV)

MBS1130671-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1310

Recombinant Carnation etched ring virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1056689-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1195

Recombinant Carnation etched ring virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1056689-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 845

Recombinant Carnation etched ring virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1056689-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 985

Recombinant Carnation etched ring virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1056689-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 1015

Recombinant Carnation etched ring virus Movement protein (ORF I)

MBS1056689-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 1125

Virus Hepatitis A Virus (HAV) Protein

abx670259-1ml 1 ml
EUR 427.2

Virus Yellow Fever Virus (YFV) Protein

abx670277-100ug 100 ug
EUR 644.4

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

abx260268-20g 20 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (452-617) Protein

abx260268-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

abx260269-25g 25 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (633-659) Protein

abx260269-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • Ask for price
  • 100 ug
  • 0.5 mg
  • 1 mg

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

abx260270-25g 25 µg
EUR 950

Hepatitis E Virus ORF2 (403-461) Protein

abx260270-5g 5 µg
EUR 350

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1213579-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1040

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1213579-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 615

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1213579-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 790

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1213579-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 715

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1213579-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 925

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1057844-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1085

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1057844-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 675

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1057844-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 840

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1057844-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 785

Recombinant Figwort mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1057844-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 980

Virus Varicella Zoster Virus (VZV) Protein

abx670269-1ml 1 ml
EUR 794.4

QPCR Kit DNA Orf virus - EACH

EUR 1129.51

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1149572-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1050

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1149572-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 630

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1149572-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 805

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1149572-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 735

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1149572-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 940

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1261084-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1050

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1261084-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 630

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1261084-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 805

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1261084-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 735

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1261084-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 940

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1053151-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1050

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1053151-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 630

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1053151-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 805

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1053151-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 735

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1053151-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 940

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1013968-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1050

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1013968-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 630

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1013968-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 805

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1013968-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 735

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Virion-associated protein (ORF III)

MBS1013968-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 940

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1125301-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1080

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1125301-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 670

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1125301-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 835

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1125301-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 780

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1125301-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 975

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1236167-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1080

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1236167-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 670

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1236167-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 835

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1236167-01mgEColi 0.1mg(E-Coli)
EUR 780

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1236167-01mgYeast 0.1mg(Yeast)
EUR 975

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1208165-002mgBaculovirus 0.02mg(Baculovirus)
EUR 1020

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1208165-002mgEColi 0.02mg(E-Coli)
EUR 595

Recombinant Cauliflower mosaic virus Aphid transmission protein (ORF II)

MBS1208165-002mgYeast 0.02mg(Yeast)
EUR 775


Fuente :

  1. Gentaur
  2. NCBI

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